Ko Chijota

GGEM Farming

Big Idea: 
Conversion of smallholder farmers into successful commercial farmers in Malawi.

The 15 million smallholder farmers in Malawi don’t get much visibility or investment. GGEM, like One Acre Fund, helps smallholder farmers improve their farms productivity and capture greater profits so they can finally break out of poverty and become commercial farmers. They bundle inputs (diverse seeds, herbicide, fertilizer, on 0% credit), extension services, and access to higher-value markets with higher returns. Their comprehensive method gets farmers greater yields and incomes, and could eventually turn them into commercial “super farmers”.

Ko began his career with a law degree in the UK. He also has an in-depth agricultural knowledge and after returning to Southern Africa he began a new career in commercial farming and commodity marketing. He then went home to Malawi and used his experience to start an agri-business that helps farmers grow and earn more.

Rainer Arnhold Fellows