Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Give a Family Cash, and You Feed Them for…a While
Kevin finished Netflix, and a messed-up shoulder means he can't surf. So he wrote another piece about cash. We love cash, we just want to be clear that we think one-time unconditional cash transfers offer poverty mitigation (yay!) rather than development progress (watch this space).
Stanford Social Innovation Review (7 minutes)

Many Roads to Impact
Sarah makes the case that infrastructure and connectivity are basic needs, and there's a lot riding on getting them right. Solutions like Bridges to Prosperity and SaveLIFE deserve more limelight - they give people access to important stuff.
Mulago Blog (5 minutes)
The Impact of Near-Real-Time Deforestation Alerts Across The Tropics
Spoiler alert - it's 18%. Global Forest Watch monitors the world’s forests in near-real time and provides open access to information about where, when and why forests are disappearing. A new study found that active monitoring lowered deforestation in monitored African forest by 18%. That's serious impact.
Nature Paper + GFW Blog

Securing Indigenous Guardianship of Vital Ecosystems
This sprawling interview with the Peter Seligmann - the CEO of Nia Tero - lays out why they adopted a new approach to conservation. Throughout the world, indigenous people control - or should control - large swathes of territory that provide critical ecosystem services for all of us. Nia Tero use a proven agreement methodology to create partnerships that assure guardianship, interdependent development, and conservation: thriving people in thriving places.
Mongabay (30 minutes)
How We Talk About Public Health and Why It Matters
Better words often lead to better thinking.
Path (4 minutes)
Seema Jayachandran Interview
This interview with a Northwestern University economist has so many interesting nuggets on deforestation, corruption, gender parity, economic growth, and pandemic impact in poor nations.
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis (30 minutes)
Seema also has good rundown on what works and doesn't in helping microenterprises in VoxDev (8 minutes)
A Kenyan Ecologist's Crusade To Save Her Country's Wildlife
To get her fellow-citizens to care about threatened animals, one of our Henry Arnhold Fellows Paula Kahumbu became a TV star.
The New Yorker (30 minutes)
The Culture of Philanthropy is Polite. Too Polite.
Grantees rarely criticize donors. Not really and not publicly. It's deemed self-defeating. Marc Gunther sees this as a missed opportunity and says we should "rank 'em and spank 'em" to improve funder practice.
Medium (6 minutes)
And Finally....
